
The cycle of rocket attacks from Gaza must end - editorial

Instead of focusing its attention on international debates on Gaza and resolutions condemning Israel, the UN should be making a long-term plan.

How bad would a future war with Hamas be? - analysis

Even if Hamas will surprise the IDF in some ways, the IDF’s combined attack, defense and intelligence power will likely overwhelm it.

Palestinian terror groups declare ‘victory’ after short-lived ceasefire with Israel

A statement issued by PIJ’s military wing said its men were killed in “assassinations” that were carried out by the “Zionist enemy.”

IDF strikes Hamas posts in Gaza in response to renewed rocket fire

Israel confirmed that one rocket was fired from Gaza on Sunday afternoon, less than 24 hours following an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire.

Israel's Operation Shield and Arrow: Is blowing stuff up a strategy?

MILITARY AFFAIRS: So far there are no signs that the IDF’s masterful tactical wins against Islamic Jihad will yield any extended period of quiet.

Time for Israel to think strategically about Gaza - opinion

What is next for Israel and the Gaza Strip? While there is no questioning the legitimacy of the operation, questions can be asked about its overall effectiveness.


What to do about Gaza - opinion

The cycles of intense warfare and tense calm between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza need not be a fait accompli. There can be another way. 


The Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a problem for Hamas - analysis

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad has become a problem not only for Israel, but for Hamas too.

Egypt intensifies ceasefire efforts, sending envoys to Israel

Ceasefire must be unconditional, Jerusalem says, as US calls to deescalate fighting in Gaza

UN ambassadors make visit to Israel while conflict continues

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned civilian deaths in Gaza as 'unacceptable' and appealed for them to 'stop immediately.'

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