The Arab Israeli Conflict: From peace efforts to suicide bombers. News updates and breaking news from the heart of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict that has been shaping the Holy Land for a century.

As violence in Arab Israeli communities soars, trust in police dwindles

Government after government has promised to reduce violence in Arab communities in Israel but the situation has only gotten worse. Arab citizens demand real change.


Israeli-Arab murder rates are higher than ever – what can be done?

ISRAELI-ARAB AFFAIRS: With murders in the Arab sector never higher, Israeli leaders are scrambling to prove themselves able to address the challenge, but they face a multiheaded hydra of problems.

IDF clashes with Lebanese citizens along Lebanon border

The Lebanese citizens threw rocks at Israeli forces, with the soldiers launching tear gas in response.


Israeli forces demolish Ramallah home of Jerusalem bomber

Israeli media, citing Palestinian reports, stated that a Palestinian photojournalist was seriously injured by IDF fire during the night's clashes. 


Illegal weapons in West Bank continue to fuel terror attacks - analysis

Shooting attacks continue and the discovery of rifles among the perpetrators are part of a larger pattern.

IDF commemorates 75 years since Israel's first-ever airstrike

The IAF's first-ever airstrike is remembered today by Israel as a major turning point in the War of Independence, putting the Egyptians on the defensive.

Israeli murdered in West Bank shooting, IDF on terrorist manhunt

Security forces are currently on a manhunt to catch the terrorist perpetrators near the northern West Bank settlement of Hermesh.

Israeli forces clash with Palestinians in overnight Nablus raid - report

Earlier in the night, an IDF vehicle was damaged after shots were fired toward Israeli forces on Highway 60 near Kiryat Arba.


10 Palestinians injured in clashes with Israeli forces near Jericho - report

Aqabat Jaber has been the scene of repeated clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians.

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