
The latest on legal issues, criminal investigations, Supreme Court rulings, trial coverage, new laws, legislation and more across Israel.

JP Morgan Chase

Epstein victims seek approval of JPMorgan $290 m. settlement

Epstein died at age 66 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. New York City's medical examiner called the death a suicide.


With Judicial Reform backdrop, Bar candidates make last election appeals

The Bar said that Tuesday will see 77,201 lawyers go to one of 171 polling stations across 67 towns in Israel and submit up to four different colored ballots.

Partial praise for the bureaucratic system - opinion

Unlike so many government and other offices, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court is a place of peace and harmony.

Anti-protection racket law continues committee development

Committee legal adviser Daganit Williams said that there were still issues with the legislation.

Israel denies parole of Palestinian terrorist Walid Daqqah

The appeal for Palestinian terrorist Walid Daqqah’s early release was based on his worsening health condition, which supporters said required consistent treatment.

New York lawyer caught using fake case citations made by ChatGPT

"The court is presented with an unprecedented circumstance," wrote the district judge on the case.

Biden warns Uganda of implications from anti-gay law

Same-sex relations were already illegal in Uganda, as in more than 30 African countries, but the new law goes much further.


IDF officers imprisoned, suspended for firing weapons naked

The individuals involved were brought before the commander of Sayeret Nahal, Col. Oren Simcha, on Sunday to receive final judgment. 

When can cell tissue be called human? – study

A human, which is referred to as a natural person, is someone born of a womb under the law. Will this soon change?

End police use of spyware until it's regulated - Public Defender’s Office

The Public Defender's Office argued that the use of spyware by police was not addressed in any legislation, and wasn't covered in the Wiretapping Law.

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