
Israel’s rich biblical history can be found in the country’s archaeology. The Jerusalem Post shares the latest on archaeological excavations at significant biblical and historical sites in Israel and the region.

Achilles neck: Prehistoric reptile's long neck was a weak spot - study

The marine reptile Tanystropheus, which lived in the Triassic era, had a very long neck. But predators were able to take advantage of it to decapitate them.


Ancient Egyptian hydraulic engineering shown in walls along Nile - study

The walls, a type of structure known as a groin, were used by ancient Egypt and Nubia to control the Nile River through hydraulic engineering.


Ancient Tel Shikmona factory probably supplied the First Temple with dye

A new study by the University of Haifa claims to completely change the story of the biblical Shikmona.

Rome to open ancient square where Julius Caesar was killed

Accounts, embellished by William Shakespeare, tell how the Roman dictator was stabbed to death by a group of aggrieved senators on the Ides of March - March 15 - in 44 BC.


Scientists discover dinosaur that tried adapting to climate change - study

The dinosaur Iani smithi, named after Janus the Roman god of change, lived at a time when a radically altered climate brought about great changes for the world.

New species of duck-billed dinosaur discovered in Chile - study

The dinosaur, now dubbed Gonkoken nanoi, inhabited the earth 72 million years ago in the Chilean Patagonia.


Battir: A Palestinian village with a rich, dramatic Jewish history

Battir is named for Betar (sometimes spelled Beitar), the rugged hill location of a Jewish battle for human freedom.


A Herodian lesson for Israel from ancient Jerusalem

At the entrance to Herodium is a cluster of boulders at the foot of the hilltop, behind a sign that reads “Rolling stones from the time of the Jewish revolts against Rome.” 


86,000-year-old human bone shows failed expansions out of Africa - study

The new evidence shows that humans attempted to expand several times before the last successful expansion.


Archaeologists discover a 3000-year-old ceremonial sword in Germany

The Bronze Age sword was found unused and buried with a man, woman and child.

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