In Jerusalem

In Jerusalem is a weekly magazine that tackles the in depth look into culture and politics in Israel. Talented Journalists and writers contribute influential articles featuring stories from the Middle East and the Jewish world. In Jerusalem offers the best in news media providing high quality content for serious readers.

The Hullegeb Festival: Breaking out in song

Due to take place at various venues around Jerusalem December 22-29, the event offers another opportunity to get a handle on what artistic members of the Ethiopian community have to offer/

KUDOS TO Mayor Moshe Lion for enabling Nahlaot’s legendary Purim street party to go on.

Round-up of city affairs

The newest information on Jerusalem affairs.

A PANORAMIC view of east Jerusalem.

New trends in East Jerusalem

About a year and a half has passed, and trends on the ground among the Arab residents of east Jerusalem are dramatically changing, in various aspects


Purim 2020: Exciting events around Jerusalem

Communities throughout Jerusalem will be holding special Purim activities. Here are a selection of programs for the whole family

C.B. DAVIES with friends from the Shed

Satellite shed - dramatically impacting young lives

“This program is meaningful because it enables youths to develop their own creative voices and enhance skills such as: communication, active listening, teamwork, acceptance and open-mindedness."

Masorti in Jerusalem

Jerusalem's Masorti Movement: Fading future

More than 50 years later, as the generation of Conservative Jews that arrived full of post-1967 Zionist ardor passes from the scene, some of Jerusalem’s Masorti synagogues are shrinking.

Doing good

Doing good

Rivlin was full of praise for the Yad Sarah organization, which he said touches almost every Israeli citizen in light of its 45th anniversary.

Jerusalem black swan

Jerusalem black swan

The beginning was quite exciting: as part of the renewal project of the Mahaneh Yehuda area, an art gallery opened in one of the city’s premises, in the heart of the Nahlaot neighborhood.

Undercover through the lens

Undercover through the lens

Savvy job interviewers know that life experience can be almost as an important a factor in a person’s professional development as their technical training.

‘JEWISH HISTORY is the key to faith and belief,’ opines Wein.

The unique life story of Rabbi Berel Wein, a scholar of the past

“I was not a great sportsman. So, I drifted into the library and the librarian got hold of me and ‘fed me’ books"

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