Wendy Blumfield

Wendy Blumfield

Wendy Blumfield was born in London and made aliya in 1974. She is a childbirth educator, lactation counselor, and president of the Israel Childbirth Education Center.  She is the author of Life After Birth: Every Woman's Experience of the First Year of Motherhood, and the anthology The Soldier's Mother. Blumfield is president of Voices Israel English Poetry society, and has published poetry. She  has been a freelance journalist with feature articles published in The Jerusalem Post since 1974. She also contributes to other Israeli and overseas English publications. Blumfield's areas of interest include parenting issues, Haifa history, and book reviews.Email Wendy at Wendyb@netvision.net.il

View Wendy's website at http://www.leida.co.il/wendyblumfield
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