
WZO head Hagoel talks 5 significant challenges confronting Jews

Hagoel, speaking in Hebrew, listed the following issues: the lack of fluency in Hebrew, disunity among the Jewish people, assimilation, antisemitism, and the importance of aliyah. 

With 100,000 olim in 17 months, aliyah to Israel at a 30-year high - panel

The figures were revealed by Avichai Kahana, Director General at the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, during a panel at The Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.

Nefesh B’Nefesh head to discuss challenges of aliyah

Participants in the panel, entitled “Decades of Aliyah – Challenges & Opportunities,” will also include Laura Ben-David, who made aliyah with the first Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flight in 2002.

Wilf to discuss Diaspora’s bond to Israel

Wilf will discuss the range of Jewish Agency programs around the world that maintain the Jewish future and provide the global framework for aliyah.

The life and journey of David Guttman, world's foremost logotherapist

Like Frankl, David Guttmann has published many books. The latest is Finding Meaning in Life, at Midlife and Beyond – Wisdom and Spirit from Logotherapy.


Jerusalem nonagenarian artist's work shown in new exhibit

Greenfield won a scholarship to study art printing techniques, some of which he displays in his new exhibition, which is called “Lions and Letters.”


Olah from UK in Jerusalem builds future leaders of Israel, Asia

The Israel-Asia Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a shared future between Israel and Asia, and educating and connecting the Israeli and Asian leaders of tomorrow. 

Grapevine: Australian Maggids

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Israel advances bill to recognize foreign medical licenses for aliyah

The automatic recognition mechanism has been operating successfully in Europe for over a decade and has brought economic and social benefits to 28 countries.


Young olim key to developing Jerusalem, says Aliyah Minister Ofir Sofer

Last month, the ministry launched a new initiative aimed at encouraging young Jews ages 18-35 who move to Israel to settle in Jerusalem.

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