Amichai Chikli

Minister Chikli: I brought down the last gov't, I can bring this one down too

Haredi MKs demanded that haredi people should get preferential treatment in employment like released soldiers get.

Chikli dialogues with US Jewish orgs. about judicial overhaul

Chikli enlightened the listeners on what is going on behind the scenes toward a compromise to the judicial overhaul.


The Diaspora Affairs Ministry should not neglect concerns of Jews abroad - editorial

The readiness to listen to Jewish communities – as the minister said – is important but it cannot just be about their needs when it comes to education and Hebrew studies within their communities.

Israel's defenders won't have a strong basis without liberal democracy -opinion

A weakened judiciary will lead directly to annexation and a true regime change.


Israel's Diaspora Ministry gets biggest ever budget: NIS 500m.

Minister Amichai Chikli vowed to look for solution to the Jewish school crisis, such as the high tuition in US Jewish schools.


Israel doesn't want the US to mind its own business - Nides

“Some official, I don’t know who he is, I never met him, suggested I should stay out of Israel’s business,” Tom Nides said, referring to Amichai Chikli.

Chikli wants US to butt out, but Jerusalem needs US help in the UN - analysis

Nides can chide Israel all he wants, but it would be more effective if he would do so in private. In public, it triggers comments like those of Chikli.


US orgs meet to aid educational trips to Israel

The diverse group included representation from dozens of organizations, from Birthright-Israel to Chabad on Campus International to the Christian Passages organization.


BDS group shares concentration camp photo, claims it’s a massacre of Palestinians

A BDS-affiliated organization tweeted that "the Palestinian Academy for Science & Technology calls on EMBO to relocate workshops from Israel, including the one at the site of the Tantura massacre."

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