
Megalodon sharks were longer than a bus, heavy as 10 elephants - study

A 3D modeling built thanks to scans of a shockingly well-preserved megalodon shark vertebrate column helped show just how massive these giant sea creatures were.


'Bulgarian panda' may have been Europe's last panda species - study

This ancient panda relative would likely have lived in the swampy forests of modern-day Bulgaria six million years ago, eating a mostly vegetarian diet.

New study challenges old views on what’s ‘primitive’ in mammalian reproduction

It was originally thought that marsupial reproduction was more primitive and that placentals were more evolutionarily advanced. Researchers at UW now assert that placentals actually came first.

Fossils of 500 million year old predator prompts evolution rethink-study

In 84 of the fossils found in Canada's Yoho National Park, the remains of the brain and nerves are still preserved after 506 million years.

Hundreds of frogs died mid-sex in a swamp 45 million years ago - study

Irish paleontologists have uncovered why hundreds of fossil frogs were buried under an ancient swamp millions and millions of years ago.

Miners discover mummified woolly mammoth in Yukon

Miners discovered the frozen remains while conducting excavations on the permafrost.

Fossils in South Africa may be a million years older than thought

study used a new dating method to date when the rocks and the fossil were first buried underground.

Dinosaurs had 'belly buttons,' new research reveals

A fossil of a 125-million-year old dinosaur showed proof of belly buttons in at least some dinosaurs, making it the first time one has been spotted in a non-avian dinosaur.

Ancient 'demon duck' identified by Australian researchers

The large eggs have been at the center of controversy since researchers first discovered the 50,000-year-old eggshell fragments 40 years ago.

Largest 'sea dragon' fossil unearthed in Britain

A ten-meter-long ichthyosaur was discovered in February last year and excavated over the course of months.

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