israel protest

Justice Minister Levin: Washington aiding Israel's protesters against judicial reform

National Unity leader Benny Gantz said Levin’s remarks were dangerous and warned that Israel would not last without the alliance with the US.

Protests about the judiciary, American and Israeli style - opinion

In both countries, people protest their judiciary, but in Israel, these protests have not turned violent even as tensions rise.

150,000 protest Israeli judicial reform, Spanish PM voices support

Judicial reform protest organizers declare Thursday to be "National Equality Day" • Foreign Minister Eli Cohen criticizes video from Spanish Prime Minister

Journalists attacked by protesters at right-wing demonstration

The bottle, thrown by the protesters towards the reporters Moriah Asraf Walberg and Yishai Porat, did not physically harm them.

An Israeli flag [Ilustrative]

Now is the time for such an initiative, vital dialogue - editorial

A “Jewish Davos,” it will aim to develop concrete proposals for the Jewish future, as well as specific action items to promote their implementation.

16 weeks in a row: Judicial reform protesters gather across Israel

The protests have continued despite the temporary halt of the judicial reform legislation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared at the end of March.

Tens of thousands protest judicial reform for 13th consecutive week

Netanyahu's former chief of staff was seen at the Tel Aviv judicial reform protests, along with opposition politicians and Netanyahu's cousin.

Will Netanyahu torpedo national reconciliation?

MIDDLE ISRAEL: Throughout his career the Prime Minister did not appreciate the consensus as a national aim, and sometimes actively derailed it.

A time-out is a chance to look at the scoreboard of the judicial reform

INSIDE POLITICS: For 13 weeks, Netanyahu ignored hundreds of thousands of protesters, warnings and petitions to pause the judicial reform.

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