
Parashat Korah: Empty words, empty minds

Korah and his co-insurrectionists were expert orators who built their popularity by whipping up populist hysteria, exploiting national anxieties, and manipulating the angry mob.


Parashat Korah: His children did not die

By specifying that Korah's sons didn't die, the Torah warns us that demagogues live in every generation, including our own.

Parashat Korah: Ritual act or religious experience

Moses’s perspective was different, and it is the perspective of Judaism from then until today: Action precedes experience.

Investment graph

Struggling in Israel? Stop complaining, blaming others for your failures - opinion

There is no reason that you can’t be successful financially in Israel. It just takes some discipline and conquering the fear of success.


Parashat Shelah: Perception vs reality through the story of 12 spies

Just as the perception created by the promoter in Herzl’s story defeated the reality of a mediocre singer, so did the perception created by the 10 spies defeat reality.


Parashat Shelah: The age of pessimism

Our descent into gloomy pessimism was caused by loss of faith – both in God and in ourselves.


Parashat Shelah: The many braids of challah

Just as the history of hafrashat (taking) challah has had different chapters in its long existence, we find the same with challah, the bread served on Shabbat. 

Parashat Shelah: Appreciation with discretion

Sages are capable of making mistakes – and that is what this parasha deals with. This fact does not diminish the value of the wise, who are, after all, human beings.

CPR: Child parent relationship

By Mark Fish

Parashat Beha’alotcha: Focus on the act

Why is it necessary to give an order on how to call the people or how to go to war? What is special about the trumpets that the nation was commanded to use them in these situations?

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