
Could Israel be facing a polio outbreak and how can it be prevented?

What even is polio? How can you get infected with it, and what is the Health Ministry doing to prevent an outbreak?

Demand for polio vaccines jumps after Jerusalem child contracts virus

Following the first case of child polio in 30 years, the number of children vaccinated against polio in Jerusalem increases almost fourfold.

polio vaccine

Israeli child tests positive for polio - first case since 1989

The case of the four-year-old in Jerusalem is investigated as parents in Israel urged to continue following normal vaccination program

Short AstraZeneca shelf life complicates COVID vaccine rollout to world's poorest

Some countries, particularly in Africa, are now struggling to administer the big shipments of AstraZeneca Plc's COVID-19 vaccines with shorter shelf lives.


Canada court silences protesters' horns, police seize fuel

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appeared on Monday for the first time in nearly a week after being infected by COVID, said the protest "has to stop".


COVID-19: Israel marks 3 million cases, 9,000 deaths since start of pandemic

Nearly 60,000 infected • R rate continues to decline • death toll shoots up

New vaccines developed capable of single-dose protection

Scientists have developed new SARS-CoV-2 vaccines that provide stronger protection through a single dose and protect against emerging variants.

COVID-19 anti-vaxx protests abuse yellow Star of David, Holocaust survivor says

Holocaust survivor Margot Friedlaender urged EU lawmakers in Brussels to always remember the Nazi genocide.


COVID-19: In-school vaccine program ends after 3 weeks, 56,000 shots

School nurses, who usually innoculate children with commonly-distributed vaccines such as the measles vaccine, were directed to delay those vaccination schedules in favor of COVID-19 shots.

Thousands of US troops defy COVID-19 vaccine order

The latest data from the military show that roughly 30,000 active-duty service members remain unvaccinated against COVID-19.

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