
Israel Remembrance Day: Modern day soldier sacrifices - opinion

Serving in the IDF is something that shapes the lives of Israelis from their mid-teens to middle age. Israeli kids don’t simply leave school, show up at the nearest base, sign on, serve and leave.

A protest by disabled IDF veterans in Tel Aviv, April 18, 2021

IDF veteran tries to torch rehab officer after benefits claim rejected

The veteran had filed a claim on the grounds of mental illness in 2015 that was rejected.

Ukraine needs more prosthetics clinicians as war toll mounts

Russia's unrelenting artillery fire and missiles mean that shrapnel wounds are maiming people in Ukraine on a scale just beginning to emerge.

Six Day War

IDF vet who helped conquer Kotel in 1967 arrested for suspected tax evasion

Ze'ev Parnas claims the money came from abroad and was transferred to his bank account.

By Walla!

Biking across Israel for Beit Halochem and disabled veterans

There are five different routes for the 180 Canadian, American, British and 120 disabled IDF veterans taking part, including off-roading, touring and extreme sports.

IDF soldiers, disabled veterans pack food for charity

The food is destined to reach some 1,650 disabled IDF veterans during the High Holidays.

Can PTSD be diagnosed via saliva? - study

Thanks to this study, it could be possible, in the future, to use objective molecular and biological characteristics to diagnose PSTD sufferers, taking into account environmental influences.

Israeli soldiers

Disabled IDF soldiers, veterans: Exercise your rights - Defense Ministry

The One Soul reform has improved and expanded services to assist the IDF’s disabled.

 President Isaac Herzog and disabled IDF veteran Itzik Saidian

Itzik Saidian makes first public appearance since self-immolation

Saidian was greeted by President Isaac Herzog at an event hosted by Sheba Medical Center, where he has been hospitalized in the hospital's burn unit since the self-immolation.

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