Yair Lapid

Haredi IDF draft plans will lead to breakdown of Israeli society, Lapid warns

Nearly half of Israelis support Gantz entering government instead of Smotrich, Ben-Gvir, poll finds

Lapid at Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony: We cannot trust anyone but ourselves

During his speech, the opposition leader attempted to answer a question that he said had haunted the Jewish people since the very last train headed to Auschwitz. 

Gantz is soaring in polls, but is it sustainable? - analysis

49% in Filber’s poll said that Gantz was more appropriate to serve as prime minister than Netanyahu, while 43% believed the opposite.

Gantz widens lead on Netanyahu in latest election polls

The N12 survey shows a bleak situation for the coalition parties, while the chairman of the National Unity party should be happy with the results.


Lapid: Moody's downgrade is 'proof' Netanyahu's gov't endangers Israelis

Lapid's comments came after the rating agency Moody's announced a downgrade of Israel's credit outlook to 'stable,' instead of 'positive.'

Lapid in NY urges Jews to oppose extremist Netanyahu gov’t

US Orthodox Jewish leaders: Yair Lapid undermines Israeli government

US Orthodox Jewish leaders: Yair Lapid undermines Israeli government

In a letter, US Orthodox Jewish leaders claimed that opposition leader Yair Lapid is "driving a wedge between Israel and Jews around the world."


Israeli high schools to add a Polish site to Holocaust trips

Yad Vashem says it won’t be involved in group visits to any site suspected of distorting events.

Cohen, Lapid call each other ‘liars’ over tiff on Israel-Poland ties

Some may be "saddened we resolved the political crisis with Poland that began during the Lapid era,” Cohen charged on Monday.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid meets with Jewish leaders in New York

The Monday night meeting was part of Lapid's US tour; an attempt to repair frayed ties.

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